
Hi! We’re Rachel and Josh, and we want to be your online librarians! We want to share all the good books we’ve been reading. Post comments about books that you like and we’ll help you find similar books.

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Josh and Rachel

12 responses to “About

  1. Thanks so much for following my blog Writer’s Nook. This site looks fairly new but I’ll be following this blog because I like the idea behind it and am curious to see where you take it. Btw for the book reviews did you select the books you wanted to review or were they requests? Just curious.

  2. I hope this is ok to post this here, it is not spam and you can not approve it and that is fine. I just don’t see and email address for you and I would love you to come and follow on the new blog since you are following on wordpress.com

    My name is Renee and I am the owner of A parents and nanny’s guide to everything early childhood. You followed my blog on wordpress.com.
    I have since moved to wordpress.org self hosted, and it didn’t transfer all of my followers, so I have no one seeing my posts. I would love to have you follow the new blog, if you would. If not I completely understand I just wanted to reach out and let you know that there is a new site. It is the same URL it is just on wordpress.org instead of wordpress.com. Gives me a lot more options, and so far I am loving it.
    Thanks so much, Renee

  3. Sorry it took me so long to reply. Sometimes I have the opportunity to choose the books I want to review, but this box came as a welcome surprise. I think a little elf in the form of a public librarian who has a very extensive book review site sent them my way. Perhaps I should reciprocate by submitting my reviews to her site.

    Keep up the good work. Together, we can turn this country into a nation of readers.

    • Thank you everyone for all the follows and kind words! Sorry for not replying sooner (we did a lot of traveling over the holidays). We hope to get on track this year and be more consistent in our posts. The books that we review are generally our own choice. They can also be books that a student or colleague has mentioned to us. We would be willing to take some requests though if anyone has one. 🙂

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